AmigaOS3.5 (869/967)

From:Michael Rozeboom
Date:26 May 2000 at 11:59:27
Subject:Asim vs MakeCD... Was (unknown)


On 26-May-00, you remarked:

>I Hi Michael

>I On 25-May-00, you wrote:

>I> Hello
>I> I checked ASIMWare yesterday (Wednesday) and the site is totally redone,
>I> with no reference to any Amiga products. I heard that they have dropped
>I> Asim CDFS and are considering dropping MasterISO as well. Seems they are
>I> not interested in us anymore.

>I Yep. Can't even get the ASIM updates from their site anymore.

>I> Of course, this altered my plans to purchase a CD mastering suite from
>I> them. I've looked over MakeCD, it looks nice, and it's cheaper than
>I> AsimCDFS plus MasterISO.

>I I looked at MasterISO (as well as BurnCD) and that was a factor in me not
>I choosing MasterISO. I'm the new proud owner of a Yamaha 4416s and MakeCD.
>I I can report that they both work wonderfully under OS3.5!!!! I pulled
>I out my old 4x, installed the software. I burned a 70 minute live CD with
>I no problems my first try!!!!! I'm listening to it as I type this. :-)

I'm considering a Yamaha 8424. I wandered into Future Shop and saw they
were offering them for $390 now, about $40 less than last time. Will have
to call my local Amiga retailer and ask for a quote again, as they were the
cheapest last time.

Anyone out there running a Yamaha 8424 with MakeCD? Asim said it wasn't
directly supported, but should work with MasterISO. (I have a P5
A2060/50MHz with 64M of ram too. Asim wasn't sure of any SCSI issues there).

MasterISO and AsimCDFS would cost me $150 to $170 retail here. MakeCD is
about $82, plus fees for getting a money order at the bank. Big difference.

MasterISO is a nice package, but the demo has crashed and invalidated a
drive a few times. Another reason for getting their product is the fact
they are located about 300 miles from here, in Hamilton. So they are in the
same time zone...

But it looks like their interest in Amiga products is waning. Too bad,
considering a lot of people I know have AsimCDFS, and got it years ago. I
know they sold off a lot of their Amiga equipment a few years ago.

>I> (Plus they lose if I get a wintel and decide to
>I> buy a CD-R package for it, HotBurn isn't likely anymore.)

>I Yep.



Michael Rozeboom
__ /// B2000-060/OS 3.5/67M
\\\/// Member, Team *AMIGA* SCSI-II: 2.2Gig HD & CDRom
\XX/ CV64-3D & 19" VGA Monitor.
Disclaimer: Any errors in spelling, tact, or fact are transmission errors.

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